IV hydration therapy

The medical professionals at Iconic Health & Aesthetics offer innovative IV hydration therapy to help patients look and feel their best.

iv hydration therapy

The medical professionals at Iconic Health & Aesthetics offer innovative IV hydration therapy to help patients look and feel their best. IV hydration therapy is a simple and effective way to boost the body’s natural defenses and improve overall health, while also providing beautiful cosmetic results.

At Iconic Health & Aesthetics, our team of professional nurses are trained in administration of IV fluids for hydration purposes. We use only the highest quality products that have been specially formulated to be gentle on the skin, maximizing safety and effectiveness of treatment. Our technicians can provide customized IV infusions tailored to meet your individual needs, helping you achieve optimal health benefits from your treatments.

IV hydration therapy is a great way to replenish the body with essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in order to enhance overall health. Our team will assess your individual needs when formulating the IV bag that’s right for you. Depending on your specific requirements, we may recommend adding additional ingredients like Vitamin C or electrolytes to help give your body an extra boost.

IV hydration therapy can also be used as a preventative measure against dehydration resulting from environmental factors such as air conditioning, humidity, or travel. By replenishing lost fluids and electrolytes quickly, our treatments help restore balance so you can stay healthy and energized throughout the day.

Not only does IV hydration provide general health benefits, but it can also be used to improve the appearance of skin. The infusion of vitamins and minerals helps to nourish the cells, resulting in a brighter complexion and more even-looking skin tone. Our treatments can also help reduce wrinkles and fine lines, giving you a youthful, refreshed look.

At Iconic Health & Aesthetics, our team of experienced technicians are committed to helping you look and feel your best. We’re proud to offer IV hydration therapy as an effective way to provide vital nutrients while improving overall health and cosmetic appearances. If you’d like to learn more about how IV hydration can benefit you, please don’t hesitate to contact us today! We look forward to helping you achieve optimal wellness and beauty.

IV hydration therapy FAQ

Myers Cocktail

Combat chronic fatigue, pain, and migraines. Supports healthy digestion.

Immunity Booster

Immune Defense. Protect and Prevent against Illness.

Inner Beauty

Fortify hair, skin and nails, reduce wrinkles and quench skin from the inside out.

Recovery & Performance

Help promote improved performance and overall wellness.


Hydrate & combat fatigue from dehydration.


Combat symptoms like dehydration, headache and nausea.


Reduce bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort and more.